

Is your Licensed Conveyancer available to move with you?

Because conveyancing is all that Licensed Conveyancers do, they are available when you need them. They are not distracted by other types of work and are available for you. When you find that dream property you don’t want to wait and you need to move fast to beat that other buyer.

Licensed Conveyancers are specialist professionals

Over 4 years (two at university, two in the field), Licensed Conveyancers only study property law plus areas that can impact upon conveyancing, such as company law. Result: we’re specialists in the legal intricacies of buying and selling real estate.

Just as family lawyers focus solely on family law, Licensed Conveyancers focus solely on property law. Because we just do one thing we know it inside out.

Why choose a Licensed Conveyancer?

A great Licensed Conveyancer will speak your language. Watch out for legal jargon. Plain English means no confusion, no intimidation and a clearer understanding of your legal rights in the contract.

How long does conveyancing take?

A typical contract for sale can be prepared within 5 business days. The standard settlement period is 6 weeks after contracts have been exchanged. “Settlement” means the day when the property is legally transferred and when the keys are handed over. Settlement terms can be negotiated before signing the contract.

When do you contact your Licensed Conveyancer/Solicitor?

The earlier you contact your legal representative the better.
If you’re selling your home, your contract will need to be prepared before the agent can market your property. If you’re buying, get in touch with your Licensed Conveyancer/Solicitor well before you go looking for your property so you can become acquainted with the buying process and also factor in the legal costs to your budget. The more knowledge you have the more confident and faster you can move to buy that property.

What is Conveyancing?

‘Conveyancing’ is legal work carried out by Licensed Conveyancers and Solicitors to transfer property ownership from one person or entity to another.

About us

Our team of solicitors and licenced conveyancers are all experienced professionals who provide our clients with accurate, detail-conscious, cost-effective and friendly service, making every conveyancing transaction simple, stress-free and fast.